In “Raising a Gangster,” players help Kang Doo-sik extort various items from citizens to strengthen gang members and expand the organization’s influence. The main elements of the game are:Protein: Gang members extort protein powder from citizens to increase their strength. Through this, gang members change their appearance and increase muscle mass, becoming stronger and extorting more goods.Collect loot through gold teeth: Collect loot by extorting gold teeth from citizens. This loot can enhance the abilities of your organization members or reinforce the rewards taken from citizens.Collect ink and tattoo: Collect ink and tattoo the members bodies. This tattoo strengthens Kang Du-sik’s skills.Enhance Weapons by Extorting Gems: Use gems extorted from citizens to enhance your weapons. As the weapon is strengthened, its various abilities are strengthened, which is a great help in various battles and missions in the game.In 《Growing a Service Gangster》, effectively managing and utilizing these items is the key to the game. Players must use these resources strategically to turn Kang Doo-siks organization into the ultimate gangster organization. In the process, players will experience various obstacles and challenges, which will help them increase the organizations influence and Kang Doo-siks reputation.